It hasn't been a great year. 2004 began with a quiet venom. A trip to beach triggered something that led to pneumonia. Then two weeks after that I had to go to three communities up in the mountains of Malita. The trips went on and on, getting more difficult emotinally more than physically. Issues wrapped around my heart and soul leading me in and out of depression. Not enough positive thinking can get me away from the loneliness and emptiness I felt. I felt alone, I felt unreal. I was neither friend nor daughter, worker nor leader. I was nothing. People pained me. Life stung me without meaning to. I was getting weak, turning into a coward, afraid of facing all the issues that hound me.
Until I couldn't deny how much it was weighing me down, blackening my sould that used to be so light and free. I had to look all the issues into eye and accept what they were telling me. No more running away because it was just prolonging the agony. The sooner I dealt with things, the sooner I moved on.
The last quarter of 2004 turned over the turbulence of the months before that. Somehow I understood my purpose, discovered my limits and potentials, saw into my own soul and allowed my heart to desire. I accepted the things I had to let go. Closed the things that shouldn't have remained open. And other things started coming in.
Yesternight could have been the last closure that was needed to make 2004 a meaningful one. Joy that was truly felt because I have found out what pain can be, without anything else happening to me but the world.
In a few days, 2005 will come with a promise of new beginnings that I could either take advantage of or waste. I thank the Lord, I will face it with hope in my heart. Happy new year everyone. There is always a reason to HOPE as long as you have the patience (remember Sacrament of Waiting).
Sometime third year college, I found this drawing of Sleeping Beauty with a caption saying "Sleep, my beauty for they prince will come... if thou hast the patience of a hundred years." At 17, it was sweet and it was pathetic. When I discovered who drew it, I fell in love with him and unintentionally broke his heart a few months after. He might have cursed me with that drawing. But I have realized I may have learned to have the patience to wait for a hundred years if it is a guarantee of good things. :)